
Keeping Those Reefer Trailers Clean

June 19, 2020

Heinzen's partnership with Healthy Trailer is resulting in a state-of-the art system due to debut in a couple of months. The Automated Disinfecting System for Reefer Trailers is truly one-of-a-kind... More >

Making Sense of SD50LT Barrel Sanitation

June 11, 2020

Heinzen Manufacturing and Sani-Matic, Inc. have teamed up to offer existing and future owners of the Heinzen SD50LT a streamlined method of basket cleaning and sanitation. Contact us today! More >

Partnership with Healthy Trailer, LLC.

May 14, 2020

Healthy Trailer LLC., the leader in trailer cleaning and sanitation has successfully developed a system that is consistent, timely, and driver-friendly in order to get reefer trailers organically cleaned and... More >